Ratchet and clank tools of destruction
Ratchet and clank tools of destruction

ratchet and clank tools of destruction ratchet and clank tools of destruction

The sto­ry is more ex­pan­sive and bet­ter fleshed out than any­thing we’d seen in the pre­vi­ous games up un­til this point. It deals with Ratchet as the last of his kind search­ing for the fate of the Lombaxes, and Clank see­ing strange crea­tures called the Zoni who are in­te­gral to the events, and back­drop of the plot. We have a beefed up sto­ry here as well as next-gen graph­ics, which this time kicks off a con­tin­u­ous and more com­plex thread that is held di­rect­ly be­tween this game, its ex­pan­sion, and its se­quel. It may have pro­duced some head­line grab­bing screen­shots at the time, but Tools of Destruction wasn’t part of that trend. It’s an in­dict­ment of many mod­ern games that push flashy bells and whis­tles over sta­bil­i­ty. It’s clean, bright, colur­ful, and runs smooth as silk. There is also a no­tice­able lack of alias­ing. Once again its more car­toony style has made it age far bet­ter than its ear­ly HD con­tem­po­raries. The path we saw tak­en in Deadlocked/Gladiatorseems to have been an evo­lu­tion­ary dead-end for the series.ĭespite dat­ing from 2007, this game still looks great. Odd EU nam­ing con­ven­tions aside, this game also marked a re­turn to the aes­thet­ic and feel of the orig­i­nal game with bright colours, pulp sci-fi de­sign, and more car­toon­ish en­e­mies and weapons. As a long-time fan I’m still left scratch­ing my head about these ti­tle changes. At first I thought it was just the slight­ly racy puns in the ti­tle of the 2 nd and 3 rd in­stall­ments, but the ex­pan­sion to Tool of Destruction, Quest for Booty, sur­vived un­scathed bar the afore­men­tioned re­moval of the word Future. Apart from the orig­i­nal, I think every sin­gle Ratchet & Clank game has had the ti­tle point­less­ly al­tered. Once again, the EU nam­ing con­ven­tions makes this a lit­tle con­fus­ing for some un­fath­omable rea­son all the European ver­sions of the Ratchet & Clank Future games dropped the “Future” part. Tools of Destruction was the first Ratchet & Clank game on the PS3, and the first game in the Ratchet & Clank Future se­ries.

Ratchet and clank tools of destruction